First Transit
Transit Van Driver First Transit-First TransitTransit Van Driver-First TransitHave you considered being a Transit Van Driver in your community?
Now’s your chance!
Get PAID to do what you love!First Transit Drivers provide transportation via Greene CATS Public Transit within our local communities.
Each day our drivers transport individuals who rely on our service to doctors’ appointments, work, grocery stores, and much, much more!
As a Bus Driver you would provide our clients with the freedom and independence of reliable, safe transportation.
We’re immediately hiring to offer the employment experience you desire and the flexibility you need.That is exactly why our drivers say this is the lots of-freedom, life-changing, love-what-you-do line of work!Safety is our top priority and all drivers will be provided the necessary protective equipment to perform their job in accordance with CDC Guidelines.
Our buses are disinfected daily and masks, gloves and sanitizer are all provided.W