Varsity Tutors
Online Remote Statistics TutorVarsity Tutors is looking for an expert like you to tutor Statistics online!By partnering with Varsity Tutors, tutoring online is not only comparable to in person it’s better:* Conduct sessions face-to-face through our live learning platform anywhere & anytime!
(PC, Mac or via mobile app)* Easily access interactive learning tools to help make sessions a success* Seamlesssly connect with students around the countryWhat’s in it for you?* The opportunity to earn while working online, using the skills and knowledge you already have* Set your own hours and schedule* Get paid 2x per week (even for last minute student cancellations)* Pick the clients you want to work with based on the opportunities presented to you* Dedicated technical support team for tutors and clients* Share your knowledge and help someone else achieve their goalsAbout Varsity Tutors:We are revolutionizing the way the world learns.
Our mission is simple: to help people learn!
Varsity Tutors is a fast-growing education technology company that is revolutionizing how people learn with new and innovative technology.
Our award-winning online and mobile learning platforms connect students and professionals from all around the world with personalized instruction to achieve any goal.
As a part of this vision we are looking to contract tutors to connect with students seeking tutoring for Statistics.Application Process: 3 Easy Steps* A few quick questions to let us know your background and which subjects you want to tutor.* If selected, you will receive an invitation to participate in our online video interview with HireVue.
You will answer a few pre-recorded questions to provide details on your background and your interest in tutoring.
You will also be asked to complete a short mock tutoring session.* If we think you’d be a good fit for our platform, a Independent Contractor Agreement will be offered, along with a request to provide documentation and complete a background check.Please note: Varsity Tutors does not contract in: Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia or Puerto Rico.