Varsity Tutors
#Buffalo AP Calculus AB Tutor JobsVarsity Tutors has students in #Buffalo looking for AP Calculus AB tutoring.
Varsity Tutors is a live learning platform that connects tutors with students to provide personalized learning.
In addition to having knowledge in AP Calculus AB, clients also look for tutors who are friendly, articulate, and reliable.
Working as a tutor on the Varsity Tutors platform includes several benefits, such as the flexibility to schedule your own sessions and to choose your own hours.
We put forth great effort to match tutors to students, resulting in productive learning experiences.
Tutors working with Varsity Tutors are paid twice a week and choose their own tutoring load.
There are multiple ways for tutors to earn while tutoring on the Varsity Tutors platform:* In-Person tutoring* Online tutoring (you can use the Varsity Tutors online tutoring platform to tutor anywhere and at anytime)* On-Demand tutoring (no need to schedule sessions ahead of time simply take on opportunities as they arise.) Tutors are independent contractors and have the freedom to use their own teaching styles and methods.Please note: Varsity Tutors does not contract in: Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia or Puerto Rico.