University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Description Universityof Colorado – School of Medicine Department of Pathology Assistant/Associate Professor
– PhD or MD/PhD, Independent Research Scientist Position 00611141–Requisition 18034 Applications are accepted electronically ONLY at TheUniversity of Colorado Denver l Anschutz Medical Campus seeks individuals withdemonstrated commitment to creating an inclusive learning and workingenvironment.
We value the ability to engage effectively with students,faculty and staff of diverse backgrounds.
TheUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is a public education, clinicaland research facility serving 4,500 students, and a world-class medicaldestination at the forefront of life-changing science, medicine, andhealthcare.
CU Anschutz offers more than 42 highly rated degree programsthrough 6 schools and colleges, and receives over $500 million in researchawards each year.
We are the single largest health professions educationprovider in Colorado, awarding nearly 1,450 degrees annually.
Powered by ouraward-winning faculty, renowned researchers and a reputation for academicexcellence, the CU Anschutz Medical Campus drives innovation from the classroomto the laboratory to the delivery of unparalleled patient care.
Read CU Anschutz Quick Facts here .
TheDepartment of Pathology is seeking full-time research faculty at the Assistant toAssociate Professor with an independent research program (established or indevelopment) related to cancer biology, molecular carcinogenesis, hormonal cellsignaling, and metabolic dysregulation promoting cancer.
We seek independentinvestigators in numerous focus areas, including lung, head and neck,pancreatic, genitourinary, bone and soft tissue, or endocrine cancer to name afew.
Candidates must develop and maintain externally funded independent researchas well as collaborate actively with other investigators in the department orinstitution.
Active participation the teaching of graduate students,post-doctoral fellows, junior faculty and professional research assistants isexpected.
Service to the department in terms of maintenance and development of departmentalcore resources is expected.
Candidates should have completed their terminaldegree and at least one post-doctoral experience with a track record ofscholarship and publication.
Individuals with active external funding, or whohave submitted applications that are undergoing review, will be favored.
Candidates with an MD degree who have boardcertification in Pathology, and who want to practice adult or pediatric pathologyor molecular diagnostic pathology as a small component of their time allocationare also encouraged to apply.
TheDepartment of Pathology has 115 faculty members, more than twenty of which areactively engaged in basic or translational research related to cancer biology.
Weare actively engaged in the University of Colorado Cancer Center (anNCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center), the Personalized Medicine Program,and the institutional CCTSI program.
The institution has extensive sharedresources, a well-established biorepository, and a state of the artexperimental animal faculty.
Our faculty are engaged in numerous clinicaltrials.
Departmental faculty participatesin numerous PhD and post-doctoral programs, including T32-funded training programin Cancer Biology, as well as T32-funded program in Head and Neck Cancer.
Salary and Benefits: Salary iscommensurate with skills and experience.
The University of Colorado offers afull benefits package.
Information on University benefits programs, includingeligibility, is located at Employee Services .
University ofColorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus is dedicated to ensuring a safe andsecure environment for our faculty, staff, students and visitors.
To assist inachieving that goal, we conduct background checks for all new employees priorto their employment.
The ImmigrationReform and Control Act requires that verification of employment eligibility bedocumented for all new employees by the end of the third day of work.Alternative formats of this ad are available upon request for persons withdisabilities.
Yourtotal compensation goes beyond the number on your paycheck.
The University ofColorado provides generous leave, health plans and retirement contributionsthat add to your bottom line.
Benefits: .
TotalCompensation Calculator: Diversityand Equity: Pleaseclick here for information on disability accommodations: The University of Colorado Denver | AnschutzMedical Campus is committed to recruiting and supporting a diverse studentbody, faculty and administrative staff.
The university strives to promote aculture of inclusiveness, respect, communication and understanding.
Weencourage applications from women, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilitiesand all veterans.
The University of Colorado is committed to diversity andequality in education and employment.
Qualifications Required Education/Experience/Skills (Minimum Qualifications) Candidate must hold a Ph.D., M.D.,or equivalent professional degree in medicine, biomedical or biologicalsciences.
An independent research focus and productivity as measured bydocumented accomplishments that may include but is not limited to peer reviewedpublications, patents, awards, grant awards or other indicators of a highprobability of success in obtaining external funding.
We value demonstratedability to work well with others as evidenced by collaborative research.
Applicantswith an interest in lung, head and neck cancer, pancreatic andhormone-dependent cancers are desired, although individuals whose research issynergistic with current areas of interest in our department will be consideredas well.
Desired qualifications Five or more years in biomedicalresearch, an established record of peer-reviewed publications, and evidencethat the applicant can develop an independent research program arecritical.
Receipt/awarding of careerdevelopment awards is not required, but will be considered as an indication ofpotential to obtain future funding.
Job Category: Faculty Primary Location: Aurora Schedule: Full-time Posting Date: Jan 6, 2020 Unposting Date: Ongoing