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We see Full-Stack Engineers continue to be one of the most exciting and in-demand developer jobs. These types of engineers combine the work traditionally done by Backend and Front-end Engineers to code a website or application on the server and the client-facing side. It is a role that fuses both creative and practical concerns, as these engineers are responsible for everything the website user encounters, including scrolling functions and graphics, as well as builds the logic, database interactions and server configuration on the application’s Backend.
In addition to programming the various features of server-side and user-side applications, Full-Stack Engineers are encouraged to upgrade and maintain both the back-end and front-end as needed. As new technologies emerge and platforms are expanded, the role of a Full-Stack Engineer will likely transform to suit these changes.
We need Full-Stack Software Engineering jobseekers on Hired who are results-oriented, multifaceted and can work independently or in a team environment, to get the job done.Â
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