Army National Guard
If you’ve ever considered a job in IT, become an Information Technology Specialist in the Army National Guard and expand your skills and experience with complex technologies.
In this role, you will be responsible for sending, receiving, and processing messages and data on the Guard’s sophisticated networks.
You will also maintain and troubleshoot the systems that support the military’s logistics and classified data, and build firewalls that can withstand any attempted cyberattack.Job Duties ⢠Maintenance of networks, hardware, and software ⢠Provide customer and network administration services ⢠Construct, edit, and test computer programsSome of the Skills You’ll Learn ⢠Use of computer consoles and peripheral equipment ⢠Computer systems concepts ⢠Planning, designing, and testing computer systemsHelpful Skills ⢠Interest in computer science ⢠Strong attention to detail ⢠Ability to communicate effectively ⢠Experience in installation of computers Through your training, you will develop the skills and experience to enjoy a civilian career working as a network support technician, data processing technician, or computer programmer in just about any company that uses computers.Earn While You Learn Instead of paying to learn these skills, get paid to learn.
In the Army National Guard, you will learn these valuable job skills while earning a regular paycheck and qualifying for tuition assistance.
Job training for an Information Technology Specialist consists of 10 weeks of Basic Training, where you’ll learn basic Soldiering skills, and 20 weeks of Advanced Individual Training (AIT) with classroom instruction.